The role of the family is to show how materialism and greediness can change and destroy lives. The family are the ones who suffer the effect and the example for the readers.
The role of the family shows how material things such as money and ambition can change somebody and their life. Kino and his family had to go thru with these problems and this is what is shown in the novel, that we have to be the same person with or without materialistic things because in the end all that matters is our happiness and our own well being.
The role of the family shows that greediness and ambition to material things can destroy peoples life. Juana knew the pearl had something evil but kino just denied it. Kino has a dynamic personality in the story. In the novel we saw that money cant buy happiness. Daniella Dorta 10 Adonai
The role of the family in the novel is alot of greediness and that material things can change who you are. Material things can help you in different ways, but can also destroy you and your love ones. Kino was the one who destroy little by little his family and that cost him his son's life Blanca Paola 10 Adonai
The role of the family is that there is a lot of ambition and suffering for the pearl. Families have to understand that not material stuff is not everything that more important is to be with the family and love our family members. Johamile A. Viera Feliciano 10 Adonai
The role of the family in the novel "The Pearl"is that of ambition and greediness for the money. And other material things can change or destroy the family.
The role of the family in the novel "The Pearl" is ambition and greediness for money. This things changes people life, it destroys their life.Kino destroy his life and his family by ignoring Juana's opinion of the pearl. Juana said the pearl was evil. Gustavo Colon 10 adonai
In The Pearl we see that the family was possessed by the magic of materialism. Once you have things you always want more and more because the weakness of men of having power. This is what happened to thing family and what ended up destroying them. - Paola Alejandra Rivera ! (10 Jireh)
The role of the family is to always be togetner by ignoring every sircumbtance in the world.It does't matter what are the confronting they would be together.Kino would kill for his family. Gabriel Martinez (10 jireh)
In the pearl Kino's family was his life but his desire to help his family and cure his only son made not only Kino but the whole family become possesed by greed and ambition. The only thought about all the material things the pearl could bring.
The role of the family is one that shows the ambition of the people with money, how money can change a person and also can destroy a entire family. It also show us that we should be the same person whithout matter if we have money or we don't.
The family role in this novel is to let us see how greediness and materialism can change and also destroy lives. Material things shouldn’t define who you are. -Jafet Martinez 10-Jireh
The role of this family in the novel is that the only thing that it was interested in was money. Since the material does not lead to anything. Thanks to all this all ended in tragedies. Kino's life cost him his son and he died. One of the most important things in life is the family money as well as saw Kino.
In 'The Pearl' Kino, Juana and Coyotito are a typically poor, hardworking mexican family. Steinbeck uses the discovery and finding of the pearl a symbol of fate. The question of how the arrival and tentations of unexpected riches affect the lives of the poor family and how the role of parenthood is challenged by this fate is, I think, the main subject of this short novel.
The role of the family is the ambition for the money. But anyone can be like that becouse they are poor becouse that can destroy you more. In the novel the pearl causes the destruction of that family. Roberto 10 sabaot
The role that the family plays in the novel is to show how the ambitious of having money can change a person life.Material things can help you in different ways, but can also destroy you. In the novel the Great Pearl, destroyed Kino's life. The pearl was now his soul, but because of the pearl they killed his son, and destroyed his relationship with his woman. Money doesn't last forever but the love of our family does♥
The role of the family in The Pearl is the misery, the greed and the ambition for the material things. All this change the life of a person; in the story it changes Kino's life, but not only him but also his family, and all ends by destroying everything. Destroying you life, hopes, dreams, and most of all your happiness. Andrea Rodriguez 10 sabaot
The role that family played in The Pearl is greed. Greed was so strong that it led to the death of Coyotito and also it drove Kino to beat up his wife. This should never happen in a family.
The role of the family is to show how ambition, greed and materialism can change the lives of everyone and eventually how they are destroyed by their own ambition.
The family shows that materialism and money can blind you with obssesion, making you see that what you can have can bring you more happiness than what a family can bring to your life. In the story Juana's and Kino's life was destroyed by the pearl. At the end the pearl was worth nothing. Money could not bring back they're now dead son. -Melanie Cubano (10 Jireh)
The role of family in the Pearl shows the ambition that a person can have because of money. Money and material things can change a person's attitude. Ambition makes us destroy ourselves. In the Pearl as a family they were destroyed by ambition and interest. The money never compare with the love of a family. By ambition they lost many things in the end was worth much more than just a pearl that only brought destruction.
The role of the family shows that material things can destroy people life and families. Material things helps you getting money, but it will not give you happiness. In the novel the pearl cost Kino Coyotito's life.
The role of that the family plays is the ambition that they have for the Pearl and the money they get from the Pearl. Also it shows how materialism can change people's way of thinking and being.
The role of the family in The Pearl shows how the ambition for money and other material things can destroy a whole family and change the way people think.Money can give you temporary happiness but love gives you all the happiness you need and it is what keeps a family together.
The role of the family in The Pearl shows how material things & ambition can change a good family. Money can give us temporary things that can make us happy in some certain moment, but love & union in the family can bridge every problem that people confront. Because of their ambition they lost their most precious thing that was their son Coyotito. att. Emily Pagan 10 Jireh
The family's role in this novel is very significant and important because it show us how ambition and material things can change the way of being, acting and thinking of a person, such as the example of Kino when he found the pearl. This family that is shown to us in the novel is a beautiful and close family in where we can finally observe that material things isn't all in life because all we need is the love and affection of our family to achieve everything we want. At the end Kino learned that the value of the pearl could never replace what he lost, his only son, Coyotito.
The role of the family at the beginning of the story was of happiness because the pearl could solve the problems of poverty they had, like to give a good education to Coyotito. Over time the pearl only brought disgrace to the family, because Kino had to kill to preserve the pearl, Coyotito dies and the separation of his wife and all for a role of ambition.
The role of this family is that of a typical one trying to better their life. They wish to achieve a breakthrough in their financial situation. Their ignorance makes them put their hope in something wrong, in this case the pearl.
The role of the family is to show is that of ambition and greediness. Kino was the one who destroy his family and that cost him his son's life. The only though about all the material things the pearl could bring. and remember the money never compare with the love of a family.
The family in this novel portrays the desire, the longing for material matter. We see that Juana prays for a pearl with which to pay the doctor to heal Coyotito, instead of praying for the well-being of her firstborn. We also see how violent Kino became because of the pearl. We visualize the dominance this thing has over him and how it affects him and the people he loves. We notice how askew a family may become with greed.
In my perspective, the family reflects the greed people develop over material objects. The family also represents how a material item can overcome someone and change them completely, that was proven with Kino. Kino, who became violent, something he wasn't and wasn't suspected to be such person. Coyotito, i think, reflects the image of how a child, or inferior being in the family, can suffer concecuences when the parents, or superior beings, focus on the material things. Money definitely can't buy happiness.
In "The Pearl" the family polays the role of love, protectiveness and determination. The family was very determined for Coyotito's recovery. They went through a lot to cure and save Coyotito's life, but did not achieve. They can symbolize faith. Because they sacrificed many things in order for their only son's health. ღ Charlene A. De Jesus Velez ღ 10mo Sabaot
In "The Pearl" the family plays the role of love, protectiveness and determination. The family was very determined for Coyotito's recovery. They went through a lot to cure and save Coyotito's life, but did not achieve. They can symbolize faith. Because they sacrificed many things in order for their only son's health. ღ Charlene A. De Jesus Velez ღ 10mo Sabaot
We can see in the novel that kino's life changed after finding the pearl. He killed a man, he hit his wife, and he didn't trust anyone only because a pearl with great value to everyone around him and his family. The role that the family play in the novel is one of unhappiness because the materialism and the ambition of money and power. We can see that the obsession of money changed a happy family to a almost broken family, like in the pearl that the main characters kino, Juana and coyotito that were a poor but happy family became a unhappy family and at the end they were still poor.
The role that the family show in the story is the importance about the material things. And how the materialism can destroy the families and lose a child. And the materialism dont bring happiness to the people. Gabriel Alejandro Acevedo Hernandez 10 Jireh
The role that the family of the pearl plays is that sometimes in life we wish for something that we think is going to help us but it bring us a curse that destroy our life. In the novel the ambitious kill Coyotito. 10 Adonai Mariana Ivelisse Velez Cruz
The role that de family plays in the pearl is that material things such as the pearl can help but also can destroy like the pearl do in the story. All the people wanted the pearl and become ambitious and kill Coyotito because the pearl value. 10 Adonai Omayra Ivelisse Velez Cruz
In my opinion the image of the family in this novel stands out much. Because kino focus for a moment both materially and money sencibilidad lost the feeling of listening to his wife who was watching and consecuecias reality and the problems the family was bringing the pearl. But especially at the end the most valuable lost his only son. The family is under no circumstances pressures that we must change or whim or forgotten.
The family play a not so important role in the story because everyone is obssesed with the pearl and kino was focused just in be with his family putting the pearls safety first. He was so focused on the pearl that Coyotito got killed because of it. The family do not Play the role that is suposed to play. All because of the pearl.
The role thay the family play is they are a poor family with a lot of problems and they need to survive. But the family didn't do good, they were so focused in the pearl thay Coyotito died. -Gabriel Dorta
The role on the family play in the story the pearl is one materialistic and the truth is that in the end the money, the pearl and the material things are not importan and the things that are really important are the ones that comes from the heart. And those little things that money cant buy. Att. Andrah g soto estela
The role of the family is to maintain your mind in whats really important and what is just material. In the story we see how every single of Kinos desicion was another step made for the destuction of his family which was torn apart by the end of the novel.
The role that the family played in the story is ambition.Kino gets in a state were he thinks he haves power.Money can't buy happiness that's the important lesson because of Kinos bad decisions he destroyed his family and at the end they lost why really made them happy his son.All Because of their ambition.
The role of the family in the pearl was that of the center of their lives. Their mayor objective was mantain their family close together. Also all he wanted to do with the pearl was to make their lives maybe easier and better education for Coyotito.
the role of the family is ambition.MOney can't buy happiness and at the end of the story Kino knew that all the material thing are not going to make you happy.
The role of the family in the story of “The pearl” is ambition for money and materlialism. Those things were supposed to help them to get out of their problems but end bringing more... This shows how money changes people, at the beginning, Kino’s purpose was to cure his son but then he turned ambitious and changed his personality. This shows us that money is not everything in life and that there are more important things that money can’t buy such as life and family. Kino looses his son because of his ambition, he didn’t heard Juana when she told him that the pearl would bring more problems than solutions, he understood the importance of everything else than money when he noticed that money destroyed their lives.
The role of the family is to show how materialism and greediness can change and destroy lives. The family are the ones who suffer the effect and the example for the readers.
ResponderEliminar- Axviel
The role of the family shows how material things such as money and ambition can change somebody and their life. Kino and his family had to go thru with these problems and this is what is shown in the novel, that we have to be the same person with or without materialistic things because in the end all that matters is our happiness and our own well being.
ResponderEliminarSara Perez- 10 Adonai
The role of the family shows that greediness and ambition to material things can destroy peoples life. Juana knew the pearl had something evil but kino just denied it. Kino has a dynamic personality in the story. In the novel we saw that money cant buy happiness. Daniella Dorta 10 Adonai
ResponderEliminarThe role of the family in the novel is alot of greediness and that material things can change who you are. Material things can help you in different ways, but can also destroy you and your love ones. Kino was the one who destroy little by little his family and that cost him his son's life
ResponderEliminarBlanca Paola 10 Adonai
The role of the family is that there is a lot of ambition and suffering for the pearl. Families have to understand that not material stuff is not everything that more important is to be with the family and love our family members.
ResponderEliminarJohamile A. Viera Feliciano 10 Adonai
The role of the family is the ambition for the pearl and money. And the most important is the family, the love.
ResponderEliminarThe role of the family in the novel "The Pearl"is that of ambition and greediness for the money. And other material things can change or destroy the family.
ResponderEliminarThe role of the family in the novel "The Pearl" is ambition and greediness for money. This things changes people life, it destroys their life.Kino destroy his life and his family by ignoring Juana's opinion of the pearl. Juana said the pearl was evil. Gustavo Colon 10 adonai
ResponderEliminarIn The Pearl we see that the family was possessed by the magic of materialism. Once you have things you always want more and more because the weakness of men of having power. This is what happened to thing family and what ended up destroying them.
ResponderEliminar- Paola Alejandra Rivera ! (10 Jireh)
The role of the family is to always be togetner by ignoring every sircumbtance in the world.It does't matter what are the confronting they would be together.Kino would kill for his family.
ResponderEliminarGabriel Martinez (10 jireh)
In the pearl Kino's family was his life but his desire to help his family and cure his only son made not only Kino but the whole family become possesed by greed and ambition. The only thought about all the material things the pearl could bring.
10 Sabaot
The role of the family in the novel "The Pearl" is to show how ambition and the material things can change the life of a person.
ResponderEliminarThe role of the family is one that shows the ambition of the people with money, how money can change a person and also can destroy a entire family. It also show us that we should be the same person whithout matter if we have money or we don't.
ResponderEliminarThe family role in this novel is to let us see how greediness and materialism can change and also destroy lives. Material things shouldn’t define who you are.
ResponderEliminar-Jafet Martinez 10-Jireh
The role of this family in the novel is that the only thing that it was interested in was money. Since the material does not lead to anything. Thanks to all this all ended in tragedies. Kino's life cost him his son and he died. One of the most important things in life is the family money as well as saw Kino.
ResponderEliminarChristoher Oneil Roajas Maldoando
In 'The Pearl' Kino, Juana and Coyotito are a typically poor, hardworking mexican family. Steinbeck uses the discovery and finding of the pearl a symbol of fate. The question of how the arrival and tentations of unexpected riches affect the lives of the poor family and how the role of parenthood is challenged by this fate is, I think, the main subject of this short novel.
ResponderEliminarNeida M. Rodriguez, 10 Sabaot
the role of the family in The Pearl is to show the reader how the ambition of money and material things can separate and destroy our family and lives.
ResponderEliminarERIC RODRIGUEZ
The role of the family is the ambition for the money. But anyone can be like that becouse they are poor becouse that can destroy you more. In the novel the pearl causes the destruction of that family.
ResponderEliminarRoberto 10 sabaot
The role that the family plays in the novel is to show how the ambitious of having money can change a person life.Material things can help you in different ways, but can also destroy you. In the novel the Great Pearl, destroyed Kino's life. The pearl was now his soul, but because of the pearl they killed his son, and destroyed his relationship with his woman. Money doesn't last forever but the love of our family does♥
ResponderEliminarThe role that the family plays is the poor family that need to work hard to survive
ResponderEliminarThe role of the family in The Pearl is the misery, the greed and the ambition for the material things. All this change the life of a person; in the story it changes Kino's life, but not only him but also his family, and all ends by destroying everything. Destroying you life, hopes, dreams, and most of all your happiness.
ResponderEliminarAndrea Rodriguez 10 sabaot
The role that family played in The Pearl is greed. Greed was so strong that it led to the death of Coyotito and also it drove Kino to beat up his wife. This should never happen in a family.
The role of the family is to show how ambition, greed and materialism can change the lives of everyone and eventually how they are destroyed by their own ambition.
ResponderEliminarThe family shows that materialism and money can blind you with obssesion, making you see that what you can have can bring you more happiness than what a family can bring to your life. In the story Juana's and Kino's life was destroyed by the pearl. At the end the pearl was worth nothing. Money could not bring back they're now dead son.
ResponderEliminar-Melanie Cubano (10 Jireh)
The role of family in the Pearl shows the ambition that a person can have because of money. Money and material things can change a person's attitude. Ambition makes us destroy ourselves. In the Pearl as a family they were destroyed by ambition and interest. The money never compare with the love of a family. By ambition they lost many things in the end was worth much more than just a pearl that only brought destruction.
ResponderEliminarJelismarie De Jesus Trujillo (10 Adonai) <3
The role of the family shows that material things can destroy people life and families. Material things helps you getting money, but it will not give you happiness. In the novel the pearl cost Kino Coyotito's life.
ResponderEliminarJosé Carlos Cordero (10-Adonai)
The role of that the family plays is the ambition that they have for the Pearl and the money they get from the Pearl. Also it shows how materialism can change people's way of thinking and being.
ResponderEliminar-Fabiola Raquel Medina González
10 Jireh
The role of the family in The Pearl shows how the ambition for money and other material things can destroy a whole family and change the way people think.Money can give you temporary happiness but love gives you all the happiness you need and it is what keeps a family together.
ResponderEliminarThe role of the family is the ambition for the money.In the novel the pearl causes the destruction of that family.
ResponderEliminarjennifer marie cortes laureano
10mo sabaot
The role of the family in The Pearl shows how material things & ambition can change a good family. Money can give us temporary things that can make us happy in some certain moment, but love & union in the family can bridge every problem that people confront. Because of their ambition they lost their most precious thing that was their son Coyotito.
ResponderEliminaratt. Emily Pagan
10 Jireh
The family's role in this novel is very significant and important because it show us how ambition and material things can change the way of being, acting and thinking of a person, such as the example of Kino when he found the pearl. This family that is shown to us in the novel is a beautiful and close family in where we can finally observe that material things isn't all in life because all we need is the love and affection of our family to achieve everything we want. At the end Kino learned that the value of the pearl could never replace what he lost, his only son, Coyotito.
ResponderEliminarThe role of the family at the beginning of the story was of happiness because the pearl could solve the problems of poverty they had, like to give a good education to Coyotito. Over time the pearl only brought disgrace to the family, because Kino had to kill to preserve the pearl, Coyotito dies and the separation of his wife and all for a role of ambition.
ResponderEliminarLerianis Curbelo
The role of this family is that of a typical one trying to better their life. They wish to achieve a breakthrough in their financial situation. Their ignorance makes them put their hope in something wrong, in this case the pearl.
ResponderEliminarThe role of the family is to show is that of ambition and greediness. Kino was the one who destroy his family and that cost him his son's life. The only though about all the material things the pearl could bring. and remember the money never compare with the love of a family.
ResponderEliminarThe family in this novel portrays the desire, the longing for material matter. We see that Juana prays for a pearl with which to pay the doctor to heal Coyotito, instead of praying for the well-being of her firstborn. We also see how violent Kino became because of the pearl. We visualize the dominance this thing has over him and how it affects him and the people he loves. We notice how askew a family may become with greed.
ResponderEliminarMonica Borges
10 Adonai
In my perspective, the family reflects the greed people develop over material objects. The family also represents how a material item can overcome someone and change them completely, that was proven with Kino. Kino, who became violent, something he wasn't and wasn't suspected to be such person. Coyotito, i think, reflects the image of how a child, or inferior being in the family, can suffer concecuences when the parents, or superior beings, focus on the material things. Money definitely can't buy happiness.
ResponderEliminarLourdes Alcaide
10 Adonai
1 de noviembre de 2011 15:32
In "The Pearl" the family polays the role of love, protectiveness and determination. The family was very determined for Coyotito's recovery. They went through a lot to cure and save Coyotito's life, but did not achieve. They can symbolize faith. Because they sacrificed many things in order for their only son's health.
ResponderEliminarღ Charlene A. De Jesus Velez
ღ 10mo Sabaot
In "The Pearl" the family plays the role of love, protectiveness and determination. The family was very determined for Coyotito's recovery. They went through a lot to cure and save Coyotito's life, but did not achieve. They can symbolize faith. Because they sacrificed many things in order for their only son's health.
ResponderEliminarღ Charlene A. De Jesus Velez
ღ 10mo Sabaot
We can see in the novel that kino's life changed after finding the pearl. He killed a man, he hit his wife, and he didn't trust anyone only because a pearl with great value to everyone around him and his family. The role that the family play in the novel is one of unhappiness because the materialism and the ambition of money and power. We can see that the obsession of money changed a happy family to a almost broken family, like in the pearl that the main characters kino, Juana and coyotito that were a poor but happy family became a unhappy family and at the end they were still poor.
ResponderEliminarAndre Julian marrero roman.
10th adonai
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderEliminarThe role that the family show in the story is the importance about the material things. And how the materialism can destroy the families and lose a child. And the materialism dont bring happiness to the people.
ResponderEliminarGabriel Alejandro Acevedo Hernandez
10 Jireh
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderEliminarThe role that the family of the pearl plays is that sometimes in life we wish for something that we think is going to help us but it bring us a curse that destroy our life. In the novel the ambitious kill Coyotito.
ResponderEliminar10 Adonai
Mariana Ivelisse Velez Cruz
The role that de family plays in the pearl is that material things such as the pearl can help but also can destroy like the pearl do in the story. All the people wanted the pearl and become ambitious and kill Coyotito because the pearl value.
ResponderEliminar10 Adonai
Omayra Ivelisse Velez Cruz
In my opinion the image of the family in this novel stands out much. Because kino focus for a moment both materially and money sencibilidad lost the feeling of listening to his wife who was watching and consecuecias reality and the problems the family was bringing the pearl. But especially at the end the most valuable lost his only son. The family is under no circumstances pressures that we must change or whim or forgotten.
ResponderEliminarThe family play a not so important role in the story because everyone is obssesed with the pearl and kino was focused just in be with his family putting the pearls safety first. He was so focused on the pearl that Coyotito got killed because of it. The family do not Play the role that is suposed to play. All because of the pearl.
ResponderEliminarThe role thay the family play is they are a poor family with a lot of problems and they need to survive. But the family didn't do good, they were so focused in the pearl thay Coyotito died. -Gabriel Dorta
ResponderEliminarThe role on the family play in the story the pearl is one materialistic and the truth is that in the end the money, the pearl and the material things are not importan and the things that are really important are the ones that comes from the heart. And those little things that money cant buy.
ResponderEliminarAtt. Andrah g soto estela
The family role shows how ambition can destroy things, because Kino focused only in the pearl and Kino got killed. Darren Lora
ResponderEliminarin "The Pearl" family plays the role of ambition. It also represents the greed a family and gets possessed by it and let's it blind them.
ResponderEliminarAngelica M. Canabal
The role of the family is to maintain your mind in whats really important and what is just material. In the story we see how every single of Kinos desicion was another step made for the destuction of his family which was torn apart by the end of the novel.
ResponderEliminar- Stephanie Colon (10 Jireh)
The role that the family played in the story is ambition.Kino gets in a state were he thinks he haves power.Money can't buy happiness that's the important lesson because of Kinos bad decisions he destroyed his family and at the end they lost why really made them happy his son.All Because of their ambition.
ResponderEliminarKimberly Vazquez Arocho 10 sabaot
The role of the family in the pearl was that of the center of their lives. Their mayor objective was mantain their family close together. Also all he wanted to do with the pearl was to make their lives maybe easier and better education for Coyotito.
ResponderEliminarthe role the family is of ambition beacause Kinois giving alls hes got to save his family while damaging it emotionally
ResponderEliminarSamuel Roldan 10thSabaot
the role of the family is ambition.MOney can't buy happiness and at the end of the story Kino knew that all the material thing are not going to make you happy.
how a person could want so bad the money and how it changes the aspect of how people judge you!
ResponderEliminarThe roles of the family plays the role of ambition to material things like the money in this case. We saw how destructive the material things can be.
ResponderEliminarThe role of the family in the story of “The pearl” is ambition for money and materlialism. Those things were supposed to help them to get out of their problems but end bringing more... This shows how money changes people, at the beginning, Kino’s purpose was to cure his son but then he turned ambitious and changed his personality. This shows us that money is not everything in life and that there are more important things that money can’t buy such as life and family. Kino looses his son because of his ambition, he didn’t heard Juana when she told him that the pearl would bring more problems than solutions, he understood the importance of everything else than money when he noticed that money destroyed their lives.